1. Components
  2. List



Vertical indexes to display data and text, such as rankings.

  • Roger Federer 10,550
  • Rafel Nadal 9,205
  • Novak Djokovic 8,310
  • Andy Murray 7,030


Import List components

Tremor exports two components for Lists.

  • List: Parent component containing all list items.
  • ListItem: Child component displaying entries with a flex logic of filling the space.
import { List, ListItem } from "@tremor/react";

Usage example

The example below shows a composition of a list combining Card, List, ListItem, and Title components.

Tremor's Hometowns

  • Athens2 open PR
  • Luzern1 open PR
  • Zürich0 open PR
  • Vienna1 open PR
  • Ermatingen0 open PR
  • Lissbon0 open PR
import { Card, List, ListItem, Title } from "@tremor/react";

const cities = [
    city: "Athens",
    rating: "2 open PR",
    city: "Luzern",
    rating: "1 open PR",
    city: "Zürich",
    rating: "0 open PR",
    city: "Vienna",
    rating: "1 open PR",
    city: "Ermatingen",
    rating: "0 open PR",
    city: "Lisbon",
    rating: "0 open PR",

export default () => (
  <Card className="max-w-xs">
    <Title>Tremor's Hometowns</Title>
      {cities.map((item) => (
        <ListItem key={item.city}>

API Reference: List

This component does not have any tremor-specific properties.

API Reference: ListItem

This component does not have any tremor-specific properties.