User stories

“I want to get started within 5 minutes”

Dries Augustyns

Dries Augustyns

Founder of @useplunk

What's your project about?

Plunk is an email marketing automation tool for developers. Users can create, delay and repeat email flows that can be triggered from anywhere through a single API call.

How did tremor help you?

Analytics plays a key role in my product as users want to see performance stats of their email flows, such as conversion rates and click-through rates. Tremor helped me to set up a dashboard for featuring such metrics in a fast and effortless way. I did not want to fiddle around with heavy JavaScript visualization libraries and looked for something more lightweight with a certain degree of composability.

Admin dashboard of useplunk – Admin dashboard to show stats of email flows and general usage

What are your thoughts on tremor’s documentation?

You can quickly grasp the concept of tremor if you browse through the website. For me what is important is that I can get started within 5 minutes. As a developer, I am always looking out for code snippets to understand the product. What I like is that almost every component includes a real-life example with mock data. This accelerated my work.

What do you think of the developer experience?

It offers the perfect balance between customizability and structure, from both a styling and structure perspective. While the hard configurations may be hidden away inside the library, you still have the options you need to toggle individual aspects of components like gridlines, animations, or layouts.

Oct 17, 2022

About Dries

About Dries

Dries is a full-stack engineer from Belgium. Besides growing his side project Plunk in his free time, he works as a Technical Architect at Microsoft. He is passionate about entrepreneurship, innovation, and equality.

About Useplunk

About Plunk





